Vans riders dominate Dirt Pipe in Oz

This one of a kind contest had a two day delay due to wet weather, but things fired up quickly when the sun came out. Red Bull Dirt pipe is a slope style contest combining a perfectly chiseled out pipe with hips, jumps and wall rides coming down a very steep hill.
Gary won best trick with a bar spin onto the wall, and tail whipping out in the last few minutes of the 20 minute jam.
Jed could of won with his best run actually in the first 5 minutes of the 1hr jam, but managed another 2 runs to better his score, so it was safe to say that Jed owned the Pipe in 2011!
In one run Jed floated a nice 270 straight into a flip whip then coming down the chute and flipping the close to 40ft hip, it was insane!
Congrats to the boys for shredding so hard on one of the craziest things you could ever get to ride your BMX bike on. Mackay

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