MACKAY Checks in from OZ

From Colin:
"I’ve been on the road in Australia. I started in Mt Beauty, Victoria at the Red Bull Dirt pipe. I arrived to some thick black clouds and before to long, it rained for 30 hrs straight. The organizers asked us to stick around to try to get a session in on the pipe, some riders departed, but I decided to stay to check this thing out.
The pipe is something unique. Its built on the steepest grade hill possible, you’re going so fast at jumps, you actually have to brake before you hit at lip. One guy tried it brakeless, and unfortunately ended up with a ruptured kidney.
But it is pretty fun, it was something that takes a bit to feel out and I started understanding the pipe at the end of the day.
Next stop was Sydney to meet up with the Unit crew for a filming trip to Cam Whites Hillside Jam, in Canberra Australia. I was already two days late for the trip because I stayed to ride the pipe. We woke up to a swim in the Pacific Ocean and then rode Bondi Beach Park; it’s a skate park on one of the most famous beaches in Australia. Some of the best views a skate park could ever have!
We rode a little street in Sydney and headed to Canberra, arriving at 2am to Cam Whites.
Cam White is on his 5th annual Hill Side Jam, located right in his parents’ backyard and he may have some of the biggest dirt jumps in the world. The Jam was a success with the weather holding out after a less than favorable forecast. A couple of broken legs and a few guys limping after the jam is an indication that these jumps are no joke. Jumping 40-foot doubles on a BMX feels pretty fun/crazy. One mate of mine said he comes to Cams Jam each year just to jump the jumps and for two weeks after he is still buzzing from the rush. That just goes to show you how these things are.
This trip has been great, Australian BMX is thriving and the future is bright."
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