Ali & Gary in Phoenix Day 2

Day 2 update from Alistair: "Yet another day of sunshine and riding bikes. We headed to the airport and picked up Gazza Young then drove straight into the hood and pulled up to a half burnt down house with what would off been the hot spot of the ghetto, with a massive empty pool. Really fun flowing pool. Gary didn't harm the coping but he did do a scary tire slide to sprocket bash. So nuts. Then we hit up the Tempe bowl for a quick carve and it was time for training so we hit up a private backyard pump track to get ready for the Saturday ABA BMX race. Insane fun and alot of effort. We BBQ and chilled with the locals and might have bashed their jumps. On the way back to the house we decided to stop at the Chandler BMX track to see some old friends which turned into padding up and completely knackering ourself out with gate practice and hot laps. Good times. Headed to Foundry Moto today (Friday) to see the alligator and check out the pre-dice party. Hennon's tan is looking prime." - Ali
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