Coco Zurita headed to Asian X Games


Spicy Vert Rider Coco Zurita is headed over to Shanghai, China today for the 2010 Asian X Games. Coco will compete in his usual vert discipline, but will be riding in a new XG event called Mini Mega. Mega Ramp, but smaller? Our guess is that is will look something like the set-up at the ASA Triples contest series. Good luck Coco!

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Colin Mackay Checks in with TJ Ellis


TJ Ellis had an amazing 2009 season, then at the start of the new year things turned bad when TJ sustained a strange injury, he's been under the radar for a few months now so I hit him up to find out more...

CM: What happened to your Leg?

TJ: Pretty much when I went to Colombia on Jan 5th for Alejandro Caro's Dirt contest the second day of are trip he took us to his local trails and during the session I looped out flipping a step down then about 5 minutes later I looped out on a frontie, nothing had happened instantly then about two days later during a session my leg started getting super tight. My leg started out with small pains then stayed as my foot got weaker and weaker.
Long story short get home and see my doctor and find out I damaged the peroneal nerve in my right leg and that nerve controls the upward movement of my ankle and toes so I had dropfoot for about 8 weeks couldn't walk or lift my foot up until about 11 weeks ago and been doing a bunch of thearpy. I got about 60% of mobility back in my foot and it's getting stronger everday so pretty much I just gotta stay healthy through out the summer and should be good in no time!

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Khalen Young News Coming Soon.



Darren Berrecloth News Coming Soon.


Robbie Morales News Coming Soon.


Cam White News Coming Soon.


Sean Sexton News Coming Soon


Vans scored three wins out of four at FISE 2010 in France


After slaying it on the Vans Wheels of Rock Tour, Gary Young and Diogo Canina rode in the popular FISE contest last weekend. Gary qualified first and took home a second place in the finals with a crazy gap to tire slide that you have to see to believe. Ender clip in this event video:

Seriously, how many ways could that have gone wrong? Also enjoy Mark Webb's 720 decade and Diogo's boosted 360 tabletop. Mark Webb ended up winning the mini ramp contest - but honestly that was written on the wall the second he dropped in.

Here's how the rest of the guys ended up:

Park Pro 1st - Ale Barbero
Park Pro 2nd - Gary Young
Park Pro 4th - Bruno Hoffman

Miniramp Pro 1st - Mark Webb

Flatland Pro 1st - Matthias Dandois

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Vans BMX Race Track Session


A few months ago the Vans team went to the BMX race in phoenix AZ. Justin Kosman sent these clips of me jump in the pro set in practice. We had alot of fun. Cheers!

VANS BMX RACE TRACK SESSION from alistair on Vimeo


Ryan Guettler Day in The Life


Guettler has a cool day in the life series up on You can check out part 1 and part 2 and look out for the rest in the coming weeks.

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