The Vans crew messed with Texas with weekend at the Odyssey Texas Toast Jam in Austin by ruling nearly every wild course Taj had cooked up for the weekend. Gary Young won the curved wallride challenge and won his first ever Pro Dirt comp with Chase Hawk finishing second place later in the weekend. New Jersey's Scotty Cranmer was the first rider to make it through the insane Gauntlet of Death course and also won the Dragon Slayer Euro Gap jam session as well. Vans flow rider Dan Foley also repped hard in the contest by winning the Shadow Grind Box Best Trick contest with a manual-barspin-manual on the gap to grind set-up. For photos go peep RideBMX for awesome coverage!
The Bmx House

Dave Mirras warehouse has been taken over by NEW MANAGEMENT. Daniel Dhers and Ryan Guettler are now running the place and because it has been such a private BMX warehouse for so long we will be opening it other riders. THIS does not mean you can just show up and ride but if you message them on Facebook or email you can find out riding times and event dates.
They are planning on running comps, doing Bmx camps and running a series of web videos of the Game B.I.K.E.
Ryan Guettler Vans Video Vault
We caught up with Ryan Guettler at the trails in Huntington Beach to ask him about progression and what drives him to keep pushing his riding year after year. Spliced in with ramp riding from his hometown of Greenville, NC, Ryan shows that his injuries are a thing of the past and he has been on the fast track back to the top.
Vans Video Vault: Ryan Guettler on Progression - More BMX Videos
Vans Riders on X Games 17 Invite List
Vans Riders on X Games 17 Invite List
Espn just released their first round of invited X Games BMX riders and the list is stacked with Vans dudes. Here is who made it so far:
Gary Young
Chase Hawk
Scotty Cranmer
Pat Casey
Diogo Canina
Mark Webb
Dakota Roche
Ty Morrow
Sean Sexton
Josh Harrington
Coco Zurita
Simon Tabron
Dennis McCoy
Big Air
Coco Zurita (Alt)
Could Vans make a clean sweep for all events....? It happened in Park, it could happen in street and vert...
Espn just released their first round of invited X Games BMX riders and the list is stacked with Vans dudes. Here is who made it so far:
Gary Young
Chase Hawk
Scotty Cranmer
Pat Casey
Diogo Canina
Mark Webb
Dakota Roche
Ty Morrow
Sean Sexton
Josh Harrington
Coco Zurita
Simon Tabron
Dennis McCoy
Big Air
Coco Zurita (Alt)
Could Vans make a clean sweep for all events....? It happened in Park, it could happen in street and vert...
Labels: canina, cranmer, harrington, hawk, home, mccoy, morrow, Roche, sexton, young, zurita
Vans Ital Demo Trip in the Eyes of Colin Mackay...

"Last weekend I got to go all the way to Naples, Italy for three days Invited by Vans shoes to perform for the troops and their families on base.
It was my first time to Naples, and at first I didn't think we would leave base, but we were probably off base more than on.
I ate Pizza everyday, why not, It's know to be first introduced in this town, and I wasn't going to miss a night without it. I definitely had a gut ache by the last night.
The two demo's went well, it was windy in the 2nd show which was a bummer but I don't think Scotty Cranmer even felt it. The kid destroyed it.
What a great weekend and to think that we do these trips just to break up the norm for the troops is a good feeling, and it feels like its worth it.
Thanks Vans for a great time once again."
-Colin Mackay
Harrington wins with a little help from his friends in the U.K

I ran into Josh Harrington at the Philadelphia airport yesterday, he was on his way home from "The Pool" contest in England. It was a team contest with his consisting of Dennis Enarson, Chad Kerley and Jeremiah Smith.
Josh's team had some tough competition but they ended up winning! Josh said the contest was real laid back he had a great time.
Josh slid out on the slippery course though and ripped his left eye brow open requiring stitches and is going for an X ray today to check his cheek bone which is giving him pain.
Congratulations on the win Josh and for more info and a nuts video of the contest check RideBMX. They have a ton of coverage HERE
Colin Mackay
Labels: harrington, home
Vans Messin with Texas Chapter - 2
The Vans Europe boys recently took over Austin, TX here is part 2 of their epic trip.
VANS - Messin with Texas - Chapter II from Vans Europe on Vimeo.
Labels: home
Vans BMX Takes on Italy
The Vans BMX crew just wrapped up a big trip to Italy this week with ramp demos on the American military base in Naples today and yesterday. The trip included Scotty Cranmer, Michael Steingraber, Alistair Whitton, Colin Mackay, Ryan Guettler and Gary Young. Wessel and Ryan Corrigan whipped up a perfect jump box and quarter pipe set-up for the guys to shred and some big tricks when down for the troops and their families with one of the biggest autograph sessions we've ever had. Look for an action edit coming soon.


Coco Zurita Talks Live on Waffle Soup Wed. 5/11

Waffle Soup is a weekly web show about all things happening at Vans hosted by Nikki and Amanda at 5pm PST/8pm EST every Wednesday. The show features upcoming events, happenings with our teams, and special guest interviews with Vans affiliates. This week, Coco Zurita will stop by and chat with the girls about BMX and answer any questions the world may have for the talented Chilean rider. Watch it today, May 11 at 4PM PST / 7PM EST.
Where are the Vans BMX Team riders?
The BMX Team is all over the world traveling this weekend.
Guettler, Cranmer, Young, Whitton, Mackay and Steingraber are heading to a Vans BMX Demo in Naples, Italy on the Military Base.
The Journey's Backyard BBQ is going on in Charlotte, NC for skate/bmx Demo with Nastazio, Zurita, McCoy and Tabron.
Morrow, Harrington, Roche, Sexton and Hawk are competing in the Nike 6.0 BMX in London, UK for street competition.
Good luck guys and have fun wherever you may be!
Guettler, Cranmer, Young, Whitton, Mackay and Steingraber are heading to a Vans BMX Demo in Naples, Italy on the Military Base.
The Journey's Backyard BBQ is going on in Charlotte, NC for skate/bmx Demo with Nastazio, Zurita, McCoy and Tabron.
Morrow, Harrington, Roche, Sexton and Hawk are competing in the Nike 6.0 BMX in London, UK for street competition.
Good luck guys and have fun wherever you may be!
Labels: home
VANS Messin with Texas - Chapter I
Early April the VANS bmx crew took the opportunity to escape the European weather and
visit some friends in Austin TX, USA. A lot of the riders havent been to Austin before so it was about time to check out the typical Austin scene and lifestyle many guys told them about. The first thing everyone has seen at souvenir shops were t-shirts with the print „keep Austin weird“ - well if that wasnt enough for a motto, what was?
The crew was the most part of the VANS EMEA team and some local reppers from the UK
team. Austin locals Dylan Smith and Chase Hawk joined the crew even for a day or two at
some spots.
List of crew members:
Ben Hennon
Bruno Hoffmann
Bas Keep
Tobias Wicke
Kevin Kalkoff
Matt Priest
Dan Lacey
Phil Aller
Zack Williams
visit some friends in Austin TX, USA. A lot of the riders havent been to Austin before so it was about time to check out the typical Austin scene and lifestyle many guys told them about. The first thing everyone has seen at souvenir shops were t-shirts with the print „keep Austin weird“ - well if that wasnt enough for a motto, what was?
The crew was the most part of the VANS EMEA team and some local reppers from the UK
team. Austin locals Dylan Smith and Chase Hawk joined the crew even for a day or two at
some spots.
List of crew members:
Ben Hennon
Bruno Hoffmann
Bas Keep
Tobias Wicke
Kevin Kalkoff
Matt Priest
Dan Lacey
Phil Aller
Zack Williams
VANS - Messin with Texas - Chapter I from Vans Europe on Vimeo.
Labels: home
Bike Check w/ Ali Whitton

"I just built up a new bike For my trip to the military base in Italy next week with the Vans bmx team I found some stone textured paint in walmart and thought I would try really pleased on how it turned out with the brown shadow conspiracy parts and black shadow fork and wheels.
Thanks to Vans,Rockstar,Oakley,The Shadow Conspiracy,Pro-Tec for helping me out. Take a peek...
Dak Takes Bronze at X Games China
Dakota Roche was stoked to get an invite to Asian X Games in Shagnhai a couple months back, and he came back with a bronze medal after all was said and done. We heard the street course was weird- as it usually is over there so it was good to see that Dak wasn't phased by the jet-lag or lack of coffee. HB represent!